In 1985, Canon Dr. James Wong, then the Vicar of The Chapel of the Resurrection, brought a group of Christians from Singapore and Indonesia to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, a huge gathering of Christians celebrated annually in Jerusalem. Tens of thousands of Christians all over the world gathered in the City of the Great King to celebrate and worship the Lord with exuberant music, banners and the dance.
It was there in Jerusalem that Canon Wong received the inspiration to host something similar in Singapore, where all churches, regardless of their denominational affiliation or persuasion, would come together in unity to worship the King. The first “FOP” event was held at St Margaret’s primary school with several churches participating and since then, the Festival of Praise has been inspiring and serving the Body of Christ in Singapore by featuring some of Christendom’s most anointed worship teams and speakers from around the world in our annual celebrations. In addition to the celebration of praise, which is usually held in a larger arena, the Festival also introduced the FOP Day Conference, which is a leadership track to equip and empower God’s people for more effective ministry, whether in leadership or in worship.
Then in 2016, FOPx, the youth arm of FOP, was birthed out of a vision to see God move in the next generations. This initiative fulfils one of FOP’s core vision in investing and preparing our future generations to love God passionately and become firebrands that will transform communities. FOPx holds regular events, and it is helmed by a team of seasoned and on fire youth pastors with the sole purpose of uniting youth ministries in Singapore from all denominations to network, collaborate, share common resources, for prayer and mentoring, and be equipped for the work of the ministry.
We are certainly at the precipice of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit here in Singapore, and we believe that FOP/FOPx is one of the instruments that God is going to use to usher in a new day in this nation.
Canon Dr. James Wong was called home to the Lord on April 8 2022 at the age of 82. We remember and honour his legacy.